Thanking God for That Struggle

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In my twelfth year as a journalist, I hit a big bump in my career. When the dust settled, I didn’t have a job. My job, as I saw it, was given to someone else. And I was stunned. Devastated. Shell-shocked.

In less than a year, however, I realized that losing that high-profile newspaper position–the worst career downfall I’d ever experienced–turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Instead of weeping and raging at myself and at God, I should have thanked God for being right there in the middle of it.

Even better, He was ahead of it.

That low point led me to a high calling, my next position–teaching newspaper reporting and editing to eager graduate and undergraduate students on a large university campus.

There I was forced to dig deep–to stir in my soul enough humility to learn how to teach.

And teach well.

That meant I was forced to listen, but also to learn empathy, patience, clarity, order, dignity, self-control, prudence, integrity, passion–and to change lives while God changed mine.

I still thank God for allowing that unexpected journey, for turning what appeared to be bad into something far better than I ever imagined.

I laugh to think how teaching forced me to learn public speaking–something I thought I hated. I also learned to lead and facilitate workshops and seminars, all skills I routinely use in my life now as a Christian author.

I couldn’t see any good, at first, in the bad. Most of us can’t. But today, if you’re smack in the middle of one of life’s curveballs, catch it. Then bless God’s Spirit by thanking Him for sending it your way.

Patricia Raybon is an award-winning author of books and essays on mountain-moving faith.

This reflection was adapted from her 5-star rated  One Year® God’s Great Blessings Devotional. Also see her new Beautiful Blessings from God, both available wherever books are sold. 

To travel along on her Faith Journey, sign in HERE.